I am not one to make resolutions for the New Year, instead, I set specific goals and accomplishments. The first half of this year is dedicated to my health/wellness, home/physical environment and personal growth/development, check out my six-month plan here. Goal-setting is just one part of the process. Now it’s time to put everything into action. Below are a few old habits that have helped me focus in the past and few new ones I plan to take on.
Keep a Journal – I’ve been journaling since I was 17 and each New Year I start with a fresh journal. As a child, I wasn’t encouraged to express my feelings. Journaling became my way to release and process my thoughts and feelings. Writing has got me through some really difficult times. Journaling definitely helps me stay focused and balanced. It’s also the perfect way to keep up with my progress or lack thereof.

Find an Accountability Partner – In the past, I’ve had a fitness accountability partner and it was kinda awesome to have someone to check-in with. Commitments are always easier when you have someone to share with, vent to, share your progress and celebrate your wins. Surround yourself with individuals that will support your goals and accomplishments. Finding an accountability partner is definitely at the top of my list for 2018. I need someone I can regularly engage with on my personal development and will challenge me when I’m lacking motivation. This article explains why accountability partners are better than mentors. Why Accountability Partners Beat Mentors
Do a Social Media Fast – If you follow me on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter then I am sure that you have noticed that my posting has been sporadic if that. Initially, I fell off because I was too busy during my work day to even check my timeline; let alone post anything. Being away from social media had me feeling out of the loop. Then I realized I am not missing a damn thing! It felt good to step away from the constant checking of Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Snap all day. Stepping away from social definitely allows time for other things. Read about what this influencer experience after she stepped away from social media. The Truth Behind a Social Media Fast

Schedule Time for Self-Care – When did self-care become a thing? Haven’t women always practiced self-care? Lol. I know I’ve always taken time to treat myself to a new outfit, pedicure, massage or a good meal. Social media will have you believe that the grind never stops, it does. Make time to relax, rest and recover. It’s okay to be selfish and do something to make you happy. We all have goals but don’t kill yourself trying to live up to the internets ideals of what you should be doing. Check out this list of 45 Simple Self-Care Practices for a Healthy Mind, Body and Soul
Set a Fitness Goal Not Related to Weight Loss – I love weight training because it’s challenging. It doesn’t hurt that my results are amazing when I am consistent. My first non-fitness related goal was to squat my body weight at the time I weighed 172lbs. Once I hit that goal I went after 185lbs. Next, I challenged myself to complete 10 unassisted dips. I will continue to challenge myself as my fitness journey continues. Don’t get me wrong I’ve tracked my weight, measured myself every week, counting my macros, kept a food journal, and used an app to remind me to drink water. Zeroing in on goals not related to weight loss makes it easier to focus on strengthening your body. Check out my non-weight loss related goals here.