When Florida entered phase one of re-opening I decided to start taking myself on solo coffee dates. Once a week I get dressed up grab my laptop and enjoy some alone time at a local coffee spot. I started doing this as a form of introvert self-care.
Prior to the pandemic, I had at least one week of alone time at home because Mr. Evans and I had didn’t have the same days off. That went out the door when he started working from home and now we’re two peas in a pod. Which is a little too close for comfort at times, lol.
Don’t Take it Personal
It’s always hard to explain a need for introverting time to non-introverts. Wanted to be alone or asking for space may seem hurtful to those that love you and enjoy spending time with you. Mr. Evans is an introvert, with extrovert tendencies, so he understands and gives me my space when needed.
Social media had several jokes about introverts preparing for this moment our entire lives during the lockdown. Which for a non-introvert may seem like the perfect scenario if you enjoy isolation. For me, I’d had my fill of at-home happy hours, game nights, brunches, BBQs, movie nights, and Zoom chats. It was fun coming up with different ways to spend time at home with my husband but I was craving solitude.
Coffee and Chill
As soon as Florida went into phase one of re-opening I was out the house chilling at a coffee shop near my house. The couple hours of alone time I’ve been getting weekly really has made a difference. I write, people watch, or just sit and listen to Podcasts. My weekly outings are also a reason to get “dressed” for a few hours. This is why I finally decided to wear this knit skirt I’ve had for almost a year. The bra top is a recent purchase from Target.

This outfit almost didn’t make it out of the house. I’ve been struggling with my weight gain and didn’t feel the most comfortable wearing this outfit. However, I am going to celebrate the body I have while I work on getting back to where I am comfortable.
My husband and I are both introverts who enjoy alone time and alone together time. If you are in a relationship do you and your partner have any introvert/extrovert struggles?
Hey fellow introvert! I’m single so I can’t share how my partner handle me needing alone time to recharge. But in my past relationships, I had partners who where good at letting me have my “me” time. I know for my family and close friends, they are really good at understanding when I disappear for a minute.
During the shut down, I was excited but I did miss doing going to parks and walking the trails or sitting in a corner at a coffee shop sipping and reading. Even though things were done alone, it allowed me time to get out and get a bit of fresh air and let the sun hit my brown skin.
Well, Happy 40th and welcome to the group (I too turned forty this year, my plan was to go to Hawaii but yeah…that did not happen)! Love the skirt! Stay healthy!
hello may I ask what brand is the skirt that you are wearing
I am your fan and love your stile of dressing. Are you on a diet because you look so slim and trim. what is your secret of looking so beautiful all the time.
Your loving fan and follower
Rachel Idah Maredi
Casseldale -Springs (South Africa)