I’ve been avoiding writing this blog post but I know by sharing my struggles I could possibly help someone else and keep myself accountable.
Over the past eighteen months, my fitness and food discipline has been trash. I am definitely a person that thrives on routine and I have been out of pocket for way too long. Of course with my pending nuptials quickly approaching this is the perfect time to refocus and get back on track.
Why I Fell Off
My backslide was caused by work-related stress and anxiety; which led to me pretty much saying eff it to everything. I couldn’t be bothered with anything other than trying to make it through the day so I could return to the comfort of my home.
Of course, I was aware that my self-care habits would be beneficial to me during that time but I just couldn’t get it together. Instead of digging in and getting back on track I started creating bad habits such as: drinking soda, eating junk food at work, and sleeping late instead of hitting the gym. I also started eating poultry again because it was easy and I could whip up quick meals, when I actually cooked.
Eight years of maintaining a veganish diet and regular exercise were thrown away. I tried not to agonize it over because I was struggling. Which led me to therapy, I’ll share more on that later. Having the discipline to eat clean, drink a ton of water, and work out daily, sometimes twice a day is hard. Imagine trying to maintain that same fitness and food discipline while under extreme stress and anxiety.
The Side Effects of My Bad Habits
I always said I would never go back to the days when I felt uncomfortable in my body. Well, one day I woke up and my clothes weren’t fitting like they use to. Of course, I was like “girl, when did this happen?”. It’s all fun and games until your clothes don’t fit! I am bottom heavy and that’s exactly where all my weight went. Which caused me to feel self-conscious.
I wasn’t embracing the changes to my body like I have advised so many other women to do. My approach was the exact opposite. I refused to buy new clothes, I hated having my picture taken and loose clothing became my daily uniform. I even contemplated not returning to blogging because “I can’t come back looking like this”.
How I’m Getting Back on Track

My weight gain was the awakening I needed. So here I am starting from scratch. It hasn’t been easy. Here’s my plan:
- Limit eating poultry and fish
- Meal prep weekly
- Drink one green smoothie a day
- Drink 100oz of water daily
- Do not buy food at work
- Hit the Gym
I gave up on carrying around that large one-gallon water bottle I posted on IG. Because I’m always on the go and it became too cumbersome for me to carry around all day. I swapped it out for a 25oz bottle that I keep in my purse and refill throughout the day. It’s only been a few weeks but it feels great getting back into my old routines and habits.
My Struggles
My diet has probably been the easiest thing for me to change. My biggest struggle has been getting back in the gym! So when Bae suggested we do a 30-day workout challenge I was all in! As of June 17th, we have agreed to hit the gym every day. Unfortunately, around day 15 my fiance sprained his knee so he’s on the sidelines watching. I’m back to waking up at 4:30 am daily and hitting the gym for my 5:00 am workouts. Which on most mornings I look forward to. Weekends have been tough because I’d much rather sleep in but I have been trying to knock out my workouts early so I can have the rest of the day to myself.
The plan is to work out every day until my first dress fitting on August 12th. I still have a lot of work ahead of me but I’m enjoying the challenge, I will not let stress and anxiety beat me.
Have you ever backslid, how did you get back on track and reclaim your food and fitness discipline? What caused you to backslide?
I’m diabetic and definitely backslide from stress and from just being sick and tired of having to monitor every darn thing I eat. What helps me get back on track is Pinterest. I just search something like “healthy diabetic meals” and before I know it, I”m down the rabbit hole seeing all the tasty meal plans out there and stumbling on inspirational quotes and seeing the fun work out routines. It reminds me that there is fun to be had and there is tasty food to eat, even within my dietary needs.
I’ve been stressed before but nothing like what I went through last year. It really was life-changing. Foodgawker dot com is also another great site for recipes. There are so many great ways to make food enjoyable and still be healthy.
I started doing good with my eating and my fitness, but fell off and it’s been the hardest for me to get back on track. I used to be an avid runner (not much of a gym goer unless I have a trainer), I can’t seem to get back to those days. Thanks for sharing, maybe by reading you struggles, I can get that push I need.
I’m trying to get back on track. I fell off 2 yrs ago I went on vacation and stayed on vacation. Then work became a priority then I was working 2 stressful jobs so work stress went up and my weight went up right along with it. I was the fast food queen (slick still is) but I have quit 1 job, started back at the gym and cutting back on the fast food. When I go to the gym consistently for a month I will reward myself with new shoes ( my vice) ?
You’re a motivation. ♥️
I wish my knees weren’t so raggedy because I use to love running. It’s a great stress reliever and I felt that I looked my best when I was running regularly. For me, there is no other option. I have to workout no matter what. My alarm goes off at 4:30am am I get up…no lingering in bed, just get up and get it done.
Stressful work is the worst! It’s eight hours of misery. I am glad that I am almost past it. I can’t deal with consistent stress it’s not healthy and it’s not worth it for someone else.
Oh yes I lost almost 100 lbs 9 years ago and have nearly gained all back to stress. Know I’m not feeling good about myself I don’t exercise or anything motivated. Coming across your story I know I need to push forward.Thanks
That’s an amazing accomplishment! I’m glad that my experience is helpful. Take baby steps you can get back on track.
I understand where you are coming from. After I loss my job my time in the gym and good eating habits went out the window due to stress and anxieties. I have not recovered as of yet. 🙁
You can get back on track, just take the time you need. We as women always are hard on ourselves we go through a lot.
I’m so glad you posted this! I pretty much went through the same thing. Therapy helped but I could get myself back on track with eating because I fell off the wagon for so long. One day I was just so irritated with my clothes not fitting, I made the choice to get myself together. At the beginning of this month, I committed to working out 3 days a week and to cut out soda and sweets. Now I’m completely clean eating and working out 5 days a week. It’s so so hard. But I know since I did it before, I definitely can lose the weight again. I just need patience. I want to lose it now lol! Thanks so much for sharing. This is encouraging.
Trust me I know that feeling. I’ve been working out every day and I’m like “I ain’t skinny yet?”. I feel like it’s going to take forever to get back where I was…smh. I guess we both have to be patient with ourselves.
Sis, I hear you!
Stress and anxiety has me eating more, sleeping more, and working out less. I can feel my body change. I used to work out every day for an hour because it made me feel good, now I struggle to do anything. I get dressed into my workout gear, then head to the couch and Netflix! I struggle and scream at myself to just.get.up! But I still continue sitting!
Now I realize it’s not just me! Even you went through this. And if you can get through this, I can too! Thank you!
Sending love than gratefulness from Dubai!
It’s definitely more than us going through this no matter what we see on social media. You’ll get back on track. What works for me is giving myself pep talks, daily. Especially when I am about to make a bad decision about food or thinking about not working out. I repeat my goals to myself until the moment passes.
Thanks for writing this. I can identify with your feelings of backsliding. I am at the same point and have decided to reclaim all the good habits I once participated in that made me feel happy and proud all the time. As women, we have to put self care as a priority!
Right! We put sooooo many things before us. We have to stop doing that. Take the time to care of you!
I think we can all relate to your journey. Keep pushing. Failure is never an option so you will accomplish your fitness goals and be right back like you never left!
I was a devout gym goer and walked everywhere. I was going pretty hard core for about 2 years and then I met my SO. He wasn’t into the whole workout thing and I wanted to spend all my time with him. I started falling off the bandwagon. Ever since, we’d have different schedules: when he actually wanted to work out, I didnt feel like it and when I wanted to work out, he wouldn’t feel like it. Now, we are both lumps of sand going day to day attempting to be healthy every now and then! lol
THanks for sharing your personal struggles and continued journey