curves-and-confidence-forever21-floral-crochet-dresscurves-and-confidence-forever21-floral-crochet-cami-dresscurves-and-confidence-f21-floral-crochet-dresscurves-and-confidence-floral-crochet-cami-dress| Dress – F21 | Shoes – Just Fab |

35 was a great year:

  • I bought an investment property.
  • I trained for and ran my first 5K.
  • I didn’t give up on blogging.
  • I started boxing and I love it.
  • I learned a few hard lessons about dating.
  • I accepted an invitation to be a guest speaker on a panel.
  • I finally shared my social anxiety secret with you guys.
  • I conquered my fear of attending events alone.
  • I ran the steps of the Philadelphia Art Museum, just like Rocky.
  • I went home to Brooklyn it had been five years since my last visit.
  • I had a surprise birthday party for my mom.
  • I celebrated my cousin’s graduation from Purchase College.
  • I bought my first size six dress. It was an a-line dress but it still counts.
  • I learned it’s absolutely ok to have boundaries and disassociate yourself from people that cross them.
  • I learned that it’s okay to end friendships.
  • I bought a pair of cut-off shorts and I wore them out the house!
  • I started not one but two businesses #GirlBoss

This post started out as an emotional overshare about how I was 36 years old and still single. Yea, I was really in my feelings. However, after having a good soul-cleansing cry I decided to share all the amazing things that happened during my 35th year of life.  I have far too many other things to celebrate. One of them being this fabulous crochet dress.

Thank you for sticking out another year with me.


  1. I can so relate! In July I turned 36 and like you I’m the educated Black woman with no kids and still single. I too was in my feelings leading up to that birthday then I did a reflection of my life and cried instead of how much I have accomplish and what a catch I am for the right dude that will eventually come along. Until then I’d rather be alone than settle for less. Don’t settle Shea.

  2. Autumn Thursday Reply

    I will be 33 in 5 months and I’m in the process of separating from my husband.. found my place for me and my kids and I will be out by Nov.1.. I have my reasons for leaving but I am battling with the fear of being alone..

    Reading this post this morning gave me so much hope! I can’t wait to get out and just do “ME”.. I have so much I want to do and repair in my life, and I just can’t wait till I’m able to have a list like yours 🙂

    Really needed to read this today.. thank you for sharing and HAPPY BIRTHDAY DIVA!!!!

  3. Hey, there is no shame in being 36 and single. You have accomplished so much and have so much yet ahead of you! I love your gorgeous dress and these fun shots! Happy happy birthday!

  4. Happy birthday Shea! You keep us all inspired to keep doing well in all areas of our lives! Very proud of you!

  5. Happy birthday!!!! You look amazing!!! I just love your style and this is a great look for you.

  6. Love that dress. Glad you got over yourself (lol) and shared the highlights instead…those bullet points are GREAT…some big, some small, all amazing. Happy Birthday and may the next year be better than the last!

  7. Happy Birthday! You look great!! You have accomplished so much while being 35. You’re inspirational, smart and extremely stylish. Your path you walked as a 35 yr old woman was great and its getting better. Thank you for sharing your blessings. Keep doing you and striving for greatness. Keep being GREAT!!! God Bless!!

  8. Hi! I’m a white girl from eastern Europe and I want you to know, we are all confronting with the same situation. Don’t give up, don’t lose faith cause you don’t need a man/a relationship to be happy! It took me a while to realize that because I was raised in a traditional family and I should have been married long time ago. But life is unpredictable and we need to adapt to it. You had a great year, and I’m sure this one will be even better. Happy birthday and please post some more “girl talk” :)!

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